Coverage & Policy

Confirm that you acknowledge that all Services covered under a 1M insurance policy

 & all of the following activities will be excluded from your policy. Please confirm that you acknowledge that you will not be covered by any of the following:

  • Appliance installation, maintenance or repair, unless incidental to a project or operation for which this policy provides coverage
  • Abatement or remediation of asbestos, mold or other hazardous materials
  • Repair or remediation of fire, water, mold or termite damage as a general contractor
  • Manufacturing and/or sales to the general public of items (appliances, fixtures, supplies, millwork, cabinets, doors or windows) other than in connection with your installation, service, repair or other activities
  • Work that you perform under a Wrap-Up program or any operations you perform at a location at which you are covered under a Wrap-Up program
  • Boiler installation
  • Chimney, fireplace, or furnace work, including installation, service, or repair
  • Dock construction or repair
  • Electrically-charged fencing
  • Land clearing for agriculture and farms
  • Lifting an existing foundation by any method for the purposes of repair
  • Man hole work
  • Power line construction
  • Refinishing of floors or furniture
  • Restoration contracting
  • Right-of-Way clearing (removing vegetation) in proximity of power lines or pipelines
  • Roof cleaning as a standalone job
  • Roof tear-off
  • Sandblasting and blasting of other non-water materials
  • Spray-on siding, roofing, or roof flashings
  • Stand alone roofing (other than roof decking and plywood installation work done as part of new construction, add-ons or remodels)
  • Structural demolition including any use of dynamite and/or wrecking balls
  • Torch down roofing
  • Using piers, posts or piles to repair an existing foundation
  • Vehicle, truck, or boat repair
  • Welding activities not performed as part of plumbing or HVAC work
  • Work involving sprayed or rolled insulation
  • Work on pools, pool systems, pool lips, saunas, jacuzzis, ponds, or child-proof pool fences.
  • Work on retaining walls >2ft tall
  • Work on tiered retaining walls
  • Work on wooden playground equipment including tree houses


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